Trip Report: Backpacking Rancheria Falls, Yosemite (Ahwahnee) — CA
Trip Date: May 12–13, 2018

Trip Details
Em here, using this 2020 quarantine to bring you sweet, sweet trip reports from years past. If you’re looking for a quick weekend trip earlier in the season (Late April-May), consider Rancheria Falls! It’s a beautiful hike around the Hetch Hetchy reservoir with waterfalls abound. In the spring, wildflowers and butterflies will surround you on either side of the trail. It was my partner’s first backpacking experience and I’m so glad it was here!
Permit: I called the permit office about two months ahead of time and talked through available dates for the Rancheria enter/exit permit. The ranger took my payment and a confirmation email was sent to me with instructions on where to pick up my permit. I picked up the permit at the Hetch Hetchy Permit Station the day of the hike. Total cost was $35 ($5 permit, additional $5 per person). I actually thought this trail would be more popular but it was pretty easy to obtain a permit at the time.
Getting There: We drove from Fremont and stayed overnight at the Riverside Inn Friday night. Such a cute inn! Rocking chairs. Free breakfast. Yes. The drive from the inn was about 1.5hrs to the trailhead.

Parking: There is a parking lot at the trailhead at O’Shaughnessy Dam.
Trail Length:
Trail length: 12 miles

Elevation Change: 2,618 ft

Type: Out and back
Weather: Sunny with daytime temps 60–70s and mid to low 30s at night
Other Things To Note: Make sure to check that bridge crossings are safe prior to start!
Day 0: Friday, May 10, 2018
My partner and I took the day and decided to head in a little early to check out some nearby sights and laze around.
On the way, we made a point to go to Priest Station to try their rib eye steak sandwiches. To my surprise, it was literally an entire steak in between buns topped with caramelized onions. It did not disappoint.

We stopped by Rainbow Pool and sat on the rocks for a bit, just appreciating the sights.

Day 1: Saturday, May 11, 2018
At about 8AM we started the drive to the trailhead at O’Shaughnessy Dam.
After parking, we walked towards the start of the trail over a bridge where we were greeted immediately by the Hetch Hetchy reservoir, San Francisco’s water source!

On the other side of the dam, a perfect rainbow sat prettily above the mist. Great vibes. Great start.

At the end of the bridge, we approached a tunnel. Coming out the other side felt like we entered an entirely different landscape and the parking lot was miles and miles away (in actuality it was probably less than a mile away).

After walking for some time, we approached Tueelala Falls, the smaller of the two falls on the trail. You can jump off-trail here and walk up to the top of the falls if you want! We just continued on our way from here.

About 2.5 miles in, we hit the glorious waterfall that is Wapama Falls. A multi tiered beast of a waterfall.

The mist was pretty strong while walking on the bridges past the falls. It was a welcome reprieve from the full exposure of the hike.
We saw a lot of day hikers up until this point, at which the number of people thinned out and the trail was less populated. At one time, we all separated and I was walking by myself. I didn’t see a soul and started to get paranoid that a bear was stalking me. Before I started freaking out, I ran into some of my group members, who stopped for a break. Phew!
Trekking along the edge of the reservoir, we stopped every so often to take in the sights and lounge on rocks.

After about 6 miles we reached Rancheria Falls!

The trail led us into a forested area where campsites were dotted about and marked by fire rings. Luckily for me, the boys strapped some firewood to their packs at the beginning of the trail and we had some great logs to get the fire going! I’m so spoiled :).

Water was in great abundance! My partner and I walked over to filter water for the group from the creek several hundred paces away from camp.

We also walked off in order to find a private poop spot, and I just have to mention here how proud I was with my partner for his first backcountry poop!
The fire was crackling by the time we got back. We gathered ‘round and shared stories and giggles while eating our freeze-dried meals.
When our eyelids started to droop, we all retired to our tents and the sounds of the falls lulled us to sleep.
Day 2: Sunday, May 12, 2018
Uneventful hike back out to the trailhead the same way!

Overall, this was a really fun and scenic hike! I would definitely come back here and try hiking to the top of the falls next time.
Hope this was helpful! Trek on! ❤ Em
Post Trip Notes
On this trip, we started a tradition to collectively complete the latest NY crossword puzzle using the app. One of us would download the app and read out the hints to the group and fill in the words as we figured them out. It kept our minds turning in the silence when we’d separate walking at our own paces. I’m happy to inform you that we finished by the end of the trip! Huzzah! Unfortunately, none of us are able to recall what the final word was because our memory does not go back that far. But! We still finished it!